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Due to Hirose's advanced technologies and diverse development capabilities, we are able to offer line up of more than 50,000 products. In addition, our policy is to ensure that at least 30% of total sales are from new products. Yokohama Center, where this development started, has been functioning as company headquarters from July 1, 2020. By creating a technology network that links engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance with sales, marketing and administration, we can quickly develop new products that combine high applicability and added value to meet global market needs.
Due to Hirose's advanced technologies and diverse development capabilities, we are able to offer line up of more than 50,000 products. In addition, our policy is to ensure that at least 30% of total sales are from new products. Yokohama Center, where this development started, has been functioning as company headquarters from July 1, 2020. By creating a technology network that links engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance with sales, marketing and administration, we can quickly develop new products that combine high applicability and added value to meet global market needs.
Due to Hirose's advanced technologies and diverse development capabilities, we are able to offer line up of more than 50,000 products. In addition, our policy is to ensure that at least 30% of total sales are from new products. Yokohama Center, where this development started, has been functioning as company headquarters from July 1, 2020. By creating a technology network that links engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance with sales, marketing and administration, we can quickly develop new products that combine high applicability and added value to meet global market needs.
Due to Hirose's advanced technologies and diverse development capabilities, we are able to offer line up of more than 50,000 products. In addition, our policy is to ensure that at least 30% of total sales are from new products. Yokohama Center, where this development started, has been functioning as company headquarters from July 1, 2020. By creating a technology network that links engineering, manufacturing, and quality assurance with sales, marketing and administration, we can quickly develop new products that combine high applicability and added value to meet global market needs.